
Viewers Left On The Edge Of Their Seat Watching Terrifying New Shark Film That’s Being Called A '10/10'

People are loving this film!

Under Paris

This '10/10' shark movie might be just what you're searching for if you're looking for something fresh to watch on Netflix.

The current talk of the town is a terrifying shark flick that follows Sophia, played by French-Argentine actor Bérénice Bejo.

A day before the city's well-known triathlon is scheduled to begin, Sophia finds that a large shark is swimming in the Seine River.

Furthermore, Sophia raises concerns with local officials and legislators about the event, but they reject her warnings that individuals involved are in great danger.

Consequently, the competition turns into a real carnage.

Under Paris, a film directed by Xavier Gens, debuted on Netflix on Wednesday, June 5.


The movie's teaser features Sophia studying a chart of the shark's path while narrating her thoughts, "We've got a signal. It's not possible."

The next segment of the tape is on a French politician who declares that the triathlon will proceed in spite of the warning.

"You never inquired about the orca or the beluga. If we don't do anything, your PR operation could turn into a total bloodbath. It will be carnage," Sophia then warns.

Then, as she plunges into the river, a shark unexpectedly surfaces, shocking onlookers.

In another scene, swimmers can be seen frantically clinging to their lives.

Many viewers have flocked to social media to praise Under Paris since its premiere.

A lot of viewers gave the movie a "10/10," although some said it had them on the edge of their seats.

"Under Paris on Netflix was so good," one person penned on X.

A second added: "Saving the rest for tomorrow but the first few minutes of this new Netflix killer shark movie Under Paris are f***in remarkable, really luscious hi-def digital images with an almost sculptural use of light. Rewound it and watched it twice!"

And a third remarked: "Oh my!! Under Paris is good!! What a twist in the end!"

It has also received some glowing reviews from critics, with Decider's John Serba writing: "We don’t go into a shark thriller with high expectations, so Under Paris being merely good enough is plenty to warrant a recommendation."

While Michael Nordine of Variety wrote: "Look no further than Under Paris for an answer to the hypothetical that surely keeps Emmanuel Macron up at night, as Netflix’s new thriller swims rather than sinks as it adds life to a genre that’s been bloodless for far too long."

Netflix currently offers the streaming version of Under Paris.