The Silent Sea is a South Korean post-apocalyptic, sci-fi miniseries that premiered on Netflix at the end of 2021. Starring Bae Doona, Gong Yoo, and Lee Joon the show has eight episodes and is an adaptation of the 2014 short film, The Sea of Tranquility. The short film was made with the help of writers Park Eun-Kyo and Choi Hang-Yong, who also directed this Netflix adaptation. The story follows the story of a space crew from a dying Earth where all oceans have disappeared and they are sent on a mission to the moon to recover rare samples from a lunar research base.
The show received mixed reactions but was praised for its creative and unique storyline. The show ended on an optimistic note but also left a lot of potential for the future. Here’s what you can expect: (Spoiler alert!)
What Will The Plot Of The Silent Sea Season 2 Be?
At the end of the first season, there seem to be only two survivors, Dr. Song Ji-an and Dr. Hong Ga-Young. They barely make it out of the exploding lunar base along with Luna and we also briefly see Captain Han Yoon-Jae after he is thrown against a lunar boulder. The rescue spaceship arrives just in time, and we see Luna survive on the lunar surface without the need for a spacesuit. While we can assume that it was a happy ending with the samples being brought back to Earth and the two (or three) survivors rescued, there is also a lot of unanswered questions about the lunar water samples.
While Netflix has not yet confirmed the possibility of a second season, there is a lot of potential for a new season. The political implications of the Luna and the death of hundreds of scientists onboard who were carrying out human experiments as well as the lunar water itself. The new season could possibly explore what happens when the mission crew members return to Earth.
Who Will Be Cast In The Silent Sea 2?
If the show is brought back for another season, we will be seeing Bae Doona as Doctor Song Ji-an and Kim Sun-young as Doctor Hong Ga-young reprising their roles. Kim Si-a as Luna 073 will also most likely be coming back and depending on how Gong Yoo as Han Yoon-Jae holds up. Gil Hae-Yeon as Director Choi and Heo Sung-Tae as Kim Jae-sun are also likely to reprise their roles.
When Will The Silent Sea 2 Be Released?
There has been no official confirmation from Netflix that the show will be back for season two. If the series does get renewed now, we will not be seeing it anytime sooner than 2025.