Thirty-Nine is a South Korean slice-of-life drama that revolves around the life, friendship, romance, and love of three friends, who are about to turn 40 years old. It stars Son Ye-jin, Jeon Mi-do, and Kim Ji-Hyun. It premiered on the Korean broadcasting network JTBC on February 16, 2022, with weekly releases and was also available to stream on Netflix.
The show has 12 episodes and made it to Netflix’s Top 10’s Non-English TV category having been viewed 9,180,000 hours in the two weeks since its release. The show has been received well and has high ratings. With the series concluding on March 31, 2022, here’s what you can expect about the future of the series:
What Is Thirty-Nine About?
The story is about three friends Cha Mi-jo, Jeong Chan-young, and Jang Joo-hee who navigate their lives on the brink of turning 40. Their friendship has stood the test of time but it will soon be put to the test when one of the friends is diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer. They have to then explore their friendship, love, loss, and grief, with the limited time they have together. While this is the central plot point, there are many other important moments in the series as well. In addition to exploring the difficulty of dating for working female professionals, the series also delves into divorce, adultery, the pressure of carrying the expectations of society as well as unexpected parental relationships.
The series ends in a very expected way with the death of their friend. A lot of tears will be shed and the show will stay with you even after you are done watching it.
Will There Be A Second Season Of Thirty-Nine?
Most of the time, when it comes to K-dramas, they are usually written as limited series. Like in the case of Thirty-Nine, we were already shown the ending we can expect in the first episode. There were many subplots but the loose ends were tied up by the end of the series. In other words, there was not much of an open-ending to work off from if there turned out to be a second season. The finale is what one would consider satisfactory. There was closure as well. As of now, there has not been any mention of renewing the series for a second season. Seeing that trying to stretch the stories of the characters beyond where it has concluded will probably not do justice to it either.
JTBC usually does not go for renewing a drama despite many being popular not only internationally but also locally. So the chances of there being another season of Thirty-Nine is very low.