
Here Are 10 Best Science-Fiction Films That You Have To Watch

Expand all the mental horizons into oblivion because these films blew the synapses clear off.

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The weekend is for chilling and exercising that one brain cell we have left to watch a sci-fi movie. So here are some insane sci-fi movies you have to watch as a rite of passage. Set in space, involving robots or confusing visuals, they are sure to go down in history. 

1. The Matrix

Let’s start with the classic. Have you wondered if the entire world is actually an elaborate construction? If yes, this film definitely for you. It follows a computer programmer, Neo who has to wake up from this dream and defeat the people who are responsible for building this construction.

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Image Source: IMDb

2. Arrival

Following a linguist who has to decode what these alien beings are saying, the story is a larger commentary on community and diplomatic relations. It employs interesting narrative structures to hook the audience into two separate timelines. 

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Image Source: IMDb

3. Interstellar

Continuing on the space theme, we have this film that completely turns the universe and our understanding of it upside down. What happens when earth becomes inhabitable? How do we look for other places to live? How does time function then? The film is a beautiful exploration in love, space travel and time. 

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Image Source: IMDb

4. Ex Machina

Who is the perfect person to build an AI robot? The film follows the protagonist as he wins a contest to visit the CEO’s home and conduct a Turing test on the female robot. This strange request turns into a dystopic nightmare once the protagonist figures out about what has been cooking.

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Image Source: IMDb

5. 2001: A Space Odyssey

This film defies all standards when it comes to what a science fiction film can be. It follows a space crew called Discovery One as they stumble upon a mysterious monolith. The crew and their supercomputer take a journey to figure its origin. Psychedelic shots and brilliant direction is what make the film a cult classic to watch. 

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Image Source: IMDb

6. Minority Report

Premeditating crimes on a downfall and Tom Cruise crushing it as always, the film follows the protagonist who works in the pre-crimes division as a detective until the department has a target on his back after the predicting entities saw him committing a murder. The film is an exploration in the intensity of grief, abuse of power and how we have a choice in changing the perspective of a situation. 

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Image Source: IMDb

7. Snowpiercer

A dystopic film set completely in a railway carriage, the film follows our protagonist as he tries to overturn the social demarcation in this confined society and gain control of the train. Directed by the Oscar-winning director Bong Joon-Ho, the film is an exploration in class struggle and revolution while keeping the suspension of disbelief alive in its many facets.

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Image Source: IMDb

8. Wall-E

Even though this is an animated film, it has more relevance in the current times than in many films. The story follows a garbage compressing machine saving a plant as it goes around in the spacecraft where humans are spending their life becoming sedentary. It also shows how a big corporation does everything that destroys the planet and then takes credit for saving it. 

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Image Source: IMDb

9. Inception

What happens when we dream? How deep can we go in this slumber? Inception answers these questions while also keeping the human condition in mind. How our subconscious can bubble up in the most treacherous of ways. It uses the basic necessity of dreaming to show how fragile our secrets are while telling a thrilling story.

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Image Source: IMDb

10. Dune (2021)

A planet where nothing exists except the spice, where countries clamor for its possession, Arrakis is home for many but it is about to be etched in prophecy. The film follows Paul Atreides joining his father Duke Leto in taking control of Arrakis while his mother trains him in the ways of the Bene Gesserit to fulfil the prophecy meant for her. 

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Image Source: IMDb