
'Star Trek: Picard' Season 2 Is Here With An Explosive First Episode

The second season is set to follow political and cultural themes tackled in outer space metaphors.

Source: IMDb

Star Trek: Picard is the latest prequel series to the iconic 1960s TV show that has since been expanded into a broader Star Trek Universe. The series features the titular character Jean-Luc Picard from the original series. He has now retired and is deeply affected by the death of Commander Data in Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) and the destruction of the planet Romulus in the film Star Trek (2009). It follows Sir Patrick Stewart reprising his role as he tries to find a way to navigate his new life. 

Source: IMDb

This is the eighth Star Trek series that has been launched in the expanded Star Trek Universe. It will have three seasons. The first season was released in 2020 on CBS All Access. The second season premiered on Paramount+ on March 3, 2022. The first season was met with mixed responses but everyone concurred that Stewart's brilliant performance kept the show going despite its slow pace. With the second season premiering its first episode, fans of the franchise are hoping for it to pick up its pace over the course of the next 10 weeks. This season will have 10 episodes, releasing weekly. It is set to conclude on May 5.


What Happened In Star Trek: Picard Season 1?

In the first season, Picard sets off on a mission to help a young woman named Dahj and her twin sister who he thinks was created by Data. He reunites with his former first officer Raffi Musiker (Michelle Hurd), who brings in the pilot named Chris Rios (Santiago Cabrera) along with his ship, La Sirena. Dr. Jurati also joins Picard in the rescue expedition. They also pick up a young Romulan refugee named Elnor (Evan Evagora) on the way.

Source: IMDb

At the end of the season, we see the crew go through a lot of adventures and a lot of secrets are revealed. Picard almost succumbs to his terminal illness but Jurati along with Soong help transfer his consciousness to a new synthetic body, allowing him to "live" on.

What Is The Plot Of Star Trek: Picard Season 2?

The second season starts a few years after the events of the previous season. Picard and his companions are trapped in the 21st century. But the reality is broken by Q as part of the ultimate trial for Picard. The crew must now race against time to save the future of the galaxy while the future of humanity is put to the test. This season is also set to follow political and cultural themes as matters of fascism are tackled in outer space metaphors.


We see Whoopi Goldberg as Guinan and John de Lancie back in his iconic role as the immortal and all-powerful, Q. The first episode of the second season is said to be a treat for fans, trying to evoke nostalgia. “These are people who have watched the show, and they come back and want to talk about it. So I have gotten to understand the show from their point of view really well,” de Lancie told The Hollywood Reporter about the fans’ investment in the material and characters. “And Star Trek storytelling is important. In the end, it has to be about something that is meaningful and deep and has social relevance. That is the essence of Star Trek. And as long as we always have that, we will always have our audience.”


The series will be streaming on Paramount+. The third and final season is set to premiere in 2023.