
People Are Spotting Red Flags No One Realized In Old Diddy Interview With Ellen

Diddy's old interview with Ellen has a few red flags.


People on the internet are drawing attention to the "red flags" that Diddy demonstrated in a resurfaced interview with Ellen DeGeneres in 2009.

The musician, whose actual name is Sean Combs, assaulted his then-girlfriend Cassie Ventura in a video from 2016, which made people notice the interview.

Seven years had passed since Combs' appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, during which the host inquired about Combs' relationship to Chris Brown, who was at the time making headlines due to his assault of Rihanna, Combs' former girlfriend.

At first, Combs appeared to be trying to avoid talking about the subject by claiming he wouldn't "Twitter about" it, but Ellen persisted in attempting to get the rapper to respond.

Subsequently, Combs stated that he doesn't "cast a judgement on anybody."

Ellen went on to say she didn't want women to think they had to 'go back to a guy who hit her', before telling Combs: "And I don’t mean to put you in it. Because it’s not you."

However, Combs then responded: "You are putting me in it, so I'm gonna speak on it. I don't think it's right for anybody to hit anybody.”

“I think we all have to be honest with ourselves as adults, and people who have been in relationships.

“We know sometimes those relationships get ugly, and sometimes it doesn’t come out to the forefront the way this one has come out. There’s a lot of stones being thrown, and we don’t know exactly what happened.”

“These are two young individuals. We need to pray for them and we need to give certain support, but you don't need to start saying that you know something that you don't know. You wasn't in that car."


People's perceptions of the rapper's reply to Ellen have changed after the release of the Combs and Ventura video.

"The red flags were always there but ofc the media and everyone else ignored them," one Reddit user wrote after seeing the clip.

"Oh boy, that’s some dark energy," wrote a second, as another viewer wrote on X: "His response is crazy."

Since then, Diddy has expressed regret for his actions in the video of him and Ventura, stating that he was "disgusted then when [he] did it" in a recent online post.

"I’m disgusted now," he continued. "I went and I sought out professional help. I got into going to therapy, going to rehab. I had to ask God for his mercy and grace. I’m so sorry."

Ventura has also spoken out on the events, saying in part: "Domestic Violence is THE issue. It broke me down to someone I never thought I would become. With a lot of hard work, I am better today, but I will always be recovering from my past.”

Combs has been included in seven civil lawsuits in the last few months, six of which involve accusations of sexual assault.

The accusations have been refuted by Combs and his legal team.