
Man Cremates 'Wife' Only To Find Her Alive 372 Miles Away

This is crazy!


A guy is said to have identified and burned the body of his "wife," only for her to reappear days later alive. This has prompted police to open an investigation.

It appears that there was an odd case of mistaken identity in India when 60-year-old Ram Sumer reported to authorities that his wife Phoolmati had disappeared.

The man opened a missing persons case after claiming that she had left her family house on June 15 and never returned to their land.

Four days after the initial complaint was reportedly lodged, a woman’s body was found in the Uruva Bazaar area of Bansgaon in Gorakhpur.

Sumer was asked to identify the body, and at the time he confirmed that the remains belonged to his late wife, according to police reports.

The Deccan Herald stated that the last rites, which included cremation, were performed by the locals after the identification procedure.

Police looked into the matter more when a post-mortem examination showed that the woman who had been cremated had been choked to death.

It is said that in an effort to find Phoolmati's killer, police tracked down her cell phone while believing she was still alive.

They were shocked to discover, nevertheless, that the phone of the purportedly deceased woman was still operational in Jhansi, 372 kilometers and around 11 hours away.

It’s said that Phoolmati had been regularly communicating with a number belonging to one Shubham from Sultanpur.

The man later confirmed that Phoolmati was alive and that he’d elected to bring her to Jhansi with him.

Superintendent of Police Jitendra Kumar Tomar confirmed to the publication that Phoolmati and her husband had been reunited on Saturday ( 22 June) and that her statement was recorded.

The officer added that investigations were being conducted to find out how Sumer, Phoolmati, Shubham, and the deceased woman who was cremated were related.

Redditors have reacted to the news by taking to social media to share their opinions.

"Whom did he cremate then?" a user asked.

A second echoed: “But who was the actual women ‘The UP Man’ cremated?”

“Everything is planned,” commented another.