Netflix finally released the biographical crime drama “Griselda” on January 25, 2024. The series chronicles the life of Griselda Blanco, the notorious Colombian drug lord, and has left viewers hooked. The talented cast, led by Sofía Vergara as Griselda Blanco, delivered stellar performances. Alberto Guerra, Martin Rodriguez, Juliana Aidén Martinez, Vanessa Ferlito, and Christian Tappan also showcased their talent, contributing to the series’ overall impact. But can we expect more of the show in the future? Let’s explore.
Is Griselda Season 2 Happening?
At present, there is no official release date for Griselda Season 2 and the answer to whether it will be renewed is not straightforward. The creators of the series had initially planned Griselda as a limited series, which would mean a one-time deal. However, this does not completely rule out the possibility of future seasons. It is possible for some shows which were initially called miniseries to get renewed for additional seasons. Since Griselda is a dramatized version of Griselda Blanco’s life, it may unveil new aspects in future seasons. The decision to renew the series will heavily depend on the success of the first season, which will be measured through viewer numbers.
Although it is still possible for Griselda Season 2 to be produced, the odds are not entirely in its favor. The label of “limited series” typically implies a definitive end. The creators had a specific vision for Griselda’s story, and deviating from that plan may not align with their initial intentions.
As of now, the fate of Griselda Season 2 remains uncertain. The limited series designation raises doubts, but the door isn’t entirely closed. If there are any updates or a change in circumstances, rest assured, we will keep you in the loop.