
Fit And healthy influencer Diagnosed With Stage Four Cancer After Noticing Symptom Following Half-Marathon

He had no idea what was going on inside him all this time!

TikTok exec Govind Sandhu

Despite being fit and healthy, a TikTok executive received a preliminary diagnosis of stage four cancer and has now taken to social media to promote awareness.

Govind Sandhu, Head of Global Music Partnerships at TikTok, talked candidly about receiving a cancer diagnosis and how, just a day after finishing a half marathon, he realized something wasn't right with his health.

A video that the 38-year-old took over the weekend and posted to Instagram on June 12, states that Govind recently learned he had "stage four Non-Hodgkin lymphoma," according to an initial diagnosis.

"Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is a type of cancer that begins in your lymphatic system, which is part of the body's germ-fighting immune system," the Mayo Clinic said. "In non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, white blood cells called lymphocytes grow abnormally and can form growths (tumors) throughout the body."

Govind talks about how he hasn't "been feeling well at all" for the previous six weeks and how he discovered he had a "swollen knee" the day after finishing the Sydney Half Marathon.

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Upon running on 'some trails' in Hobart, he initially believed that the altered appearance of his joint and injury was 'from a stack'. However, he then experienced 'really bad body aches and sweats' - 'everything that would make you think it was the flu or Covid' - and his health just 'went downhill' from there.

Govind says 'over a four week period [he] just deteriorated' and so he quickly sought medical help.

And after 'multiple' visits to the doctor alongside blood tests, scans and biopsies, doctors were able to get 'a pretty comprehensive overview of where things were at'.

He continues: "But there's also been some complications as they found some abnormalities just above my pancreas and on my heart."

Govind reports that, happily, his heart appears "okay" and that the area above the pancreas "will need to get zapped."

"And if it's cancer, the chemo which I will start soon will be aggressive. And so it should get that," he continues.

Govind clarifies that he is now on an antibiotic and steroid regimen.

Thanking all the staff at the hospital he's being treated at for taking care of him, he concludes the video: "It's safe to say I'm about to embark on the biggest challenge of my life yet.

"And I'm going to do my best to keep everyone updated with my progress - the highs, the lows.

"Of course, I can't believe it, but at the same time, so many things are out of one's control. I've had my time to process the 'Why me?' All the things I do that would make me think that I would be in a category not susceptible to this, but it doesn't discriminate. So go get your check ups, go get your blood work done. If you're feeling sick don't just try and fight it off. But we're going to get through this."

In his caption, he explained he's sharing his story for his 'own healing' and for a 'outlet' while also 'hopefully putting good vibrations & useful info into the world through the many highs & lows which there will be many'.

Govind said: "I appreciate it might not be for everyone which is totally fine. If there are any specifics you want covered along the way or need context drop it in the comments & I’ll try to come back to that in time."

He resolved: "Long road ahead, but this won’t be the end of my story, it can’t be! I’m 38 years old, lived the most blessed life to date & have so much more to live for.

"Reality is, I have a chance to fight this f**%%* so I’ll take the W there.

"Life is beautiful, I am lucky & grateful for what I have. The mission continues."