
Expert Explains What It Means If Someone Takes A Long Time To Reply To Your Texts

Now we know why they don't text back immediately


The significance of "digital body language" and what it signifies when someone takes a long time to respond to your message have been discussed by a body language specialist.

Messaging presumably include much more than just setting up a time and location for a one-night fling, as Tinder reports that 53% of people under 30 use dating apps to connect with a special someone.

However, it occasionally takes hours, days, or even weeks for someone you communicate online to respond.

Why? Perhaps they are preoccupied at work, have a family issue, or have simply abandoned you.

Since then, body language specialist Adrianne Carter has shared her knowledge of this type of "digital body language" and the reasons it might not be as harmful as it first appears.

Carter observes When an online match is "slow to respond," daters "often assume" that the other person is "not that into you."

"But the good news is that isn't always the case," she continues.

According to the expert, "While quick responders indicate that someone is organised and attentive, delayed responders who are sporadic with their communication patterns could actually be more introverted, valuing deep, meaningful interactions over a high quantity of exchanges."

Additionally, data from the way certain members utilize Tinder supports this.

According to data from Tinder, 77% of users between the ages of 18 and 24 respond "within 30 minutes" to a crush. Carter claims that this demonstrates 'their determination to actually reveal their cards and not play games'.

However, the 'top communication style for Tinder users' is those who feel like they chat 'better in person'.

"It's no surprise that you might find that the spark is there, you just need to connect with them IRL to really see it come to life," Carter notes, urging users not to 'always take a message at face value'.

So why don't you just schedule a time and forego the small talk?