
Disney Is Considering To Make A Live-Action Version of 'A Nightmare Before Christmas'

Of Late, Disney has witnessed mammoth success with its live-action movies like 'Aladdin', and 'The Lion King' and now the Mouse House is considering to adapt the live-action version of 'A Nightmare before Christmas'.

There might be a lot of people who may complain that Disney adapting the live-action versions of a lot of movies might not be the most creative path that the Mouse House is taking, but there is absolutely no denying that Disney’s current scheme of remaking many of their animated classics in live-action is definitely working as most of the movies released so far have turned out to be massive financial successes. Hence, it does not come as a surprise that the Mouse House is continuing to go back to their old animated movies, but this one does come as a surprise. 


As reported by Moviehole, a source revealed that Disney is planning to do something about 'A Nightmare Before Christmas', most probably a sequel but live-action possible, but no more details are available about the movie and what is the road ahead. It looks like nothing is set in stone yet and there must be a reason why there is no sequel for 'A Nightmare before Christmas', even though it has a cult following. Maybe they don't know how to proceed with the story and technically, the original movie is already live-action. 


If anything, in the world of Jack Skellington, it is definitely an interesting one, but Disney will also receive a huge backlash if they screw it up. This movie basically gave birth to the teen goth culture that we all know now. The perfect person to direct the live-action movie, if Disney decides to go forward with it has to be none other than Tim Burton. Even though he did not direct the original movie, nobody else will do justice to this live-action adaptation other than Burton. Henry Selick was the director of the original movie and the filmmaker did create the story and the characters. 


Burton is also a very valuable member of the Disney world and he has already directed both 2010’s 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'Dumbo'. It comes as a surprise also that Disney is so invested to make a live-action movie of 'A Nightmare before Christmas', but back in the day, the studio did not want to attach its name with the production and released it under the name of their Touchstone Pictures label rather than making it an official Disney animated film. Disney has not officially announced a Nightmare Before Christmas remake yet, but the idea is definitely in the minds of the producers in Disney.