In the world of anime, the quest for a second season can often be as epic as the adventures within the series itself. One such anime that left its viewers on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting more, is “Ulysses: Jeanne d’Arc and the Alchemist Knight.” The anime, also known as “Yurishīzu Jan’nu Daruku to Renkin no Kishi” in Japanese, is based on a light novel series by Mikage Kasuga and illustrated by Tomari Meron. This literary journey began on August 25, 2015, and continues to this day with seven volumes and a prequel volume. In 2018, the series found new life as a manga adaptation, written by Yagi Shinba and Hirafumi, under the title “Ulysses: Jeanne d’Arc to Hyakunen Sensō no Himitsu.”
The anime’s debut in October 2018 introduced us to a historical backdrop – the 15th century during the Hundred Years War between France and England. At the heart of the tale is Montmorency, a young knight whose dream of becoming an alchemist takes a dramatic turn when England’s forces occupy northern France. The pivotal Battle of Azincourt becomes a turning point as Montmorency loses his love and decides to stop the war by any means.
His journey takes a mystical twist when he summons the Queen of the Fairies, Astaroth, through an alchemical ritual. Astaroth promises to transform Montmorency into Ulysses, an immortal alchemist with boundless power. As the story unfolds, Montmorency’s path intersects with that of a dying young girl whom he resurrects using the Ulysses ritual. This girl becomes the legendary French general, Jeanne d’Arc, who alters the course of history. In this article, we’ll explore the prospects of a Season 2, the plot that captivated us, and the characters who brought the story to life.
Will There Be Ulysses: Jeanne d’Arc and the Alchemist Knight Season 2
Renewal Status: Pending
Season 1, comprising 12 episodes, graced our screens from October 7, 2018, to December 30 of the same year. However, despite the series’ dedicated fan base, an official announcement regarding Season 2 is yet to be made.
Hope is not lost, though, as the source material comprises eight volumes, providing ample content for a second season. But, as we tread further into the unknown, we must acknowledge that the show’s initial reception was mixed, and it didn’t dominate the anime landscape in Japan. This factor, combined with the financial considerations of anime production, makes the fate of “Ulysses: Jeanne d’Arc and the Alchemist Knight” uncertain.
The show’s commercial success, driven by Blu-ray/DVD sales and streaming, holds the key to its future. Until AXsiZ, the studio behind the anime, makes an official announcement, fans must remain patient and hopeful.
Conclusion: The Tale Unfinished
As the quest for Season 2 continues, fans of “Ulysses: Jeanne d’Arc and the Alchemist Knight” must wait with bated breath. The fate of Montmorency, Jeanne d’Arc, and the immersive world they inhabit remains uncertain. With abundant source material and a dedicated fan base, hope for a continuation of their story lingers. Until that moment arrives, we remain captivated by the historical fantasy and fantastical history that defines this remarkable anime.