The Midnight Robber: A Novel [ACT III: Forever Midnight]

“Clearly your little henchman not strong enough to take on the US or Russian armies. They could barely kill a 19 year old, a sick girl, and three children. They only got one of us because we slacked off.”

“And you cocky with it too. Hmm. By the way what make you think that my ‘HENCHMEN’ was made to fight armies? The US, Russian or British armies is hardly a problem.”

“If you going to turn the whole world into jumbies the world would obviously retaliate.”

Jeremy laughed. “Who tell you that? Anansi nah? That spider blind. Don’t let them eight eyes fool you, you know. He can’t see shit. And if you feel that them jumbies was bred for war then you just as blind as he is.”

“So what are they made for? Why go through the trouble of having them stink up the place?”

He fixed himself on the chair, removing his legs from the table. “Jed. Do you know what the most valuable resource on the planet is?”

“You didn’t answer my question,” I said.

“I’ll answer you. Just answer my question first.” He said with a plastered blinking smile.

“Ummm I don’t know. Oil? Water?”

“That’s what they teaching allyuh in school?” He scoffed. “Schools these days. The most valuable resource is you. Is me. Humans. We were never scarce because one human could do things unimaginable. But you know what the problem is?”

“What?” I asked, intrigued.

“The very thing that does make we all different from the animals. Free will. Our ability to do whatever the hell we want whenever and however the hell we want. That little thing called free will destroys the value of the human race because we could never be as productive as we should be if we are given a choice. Just imagine how productive the human race could be if we — if we didn’t have a choice and did exactly as we are told without hesitation or reward.”

“That’s called slavery.”

“Not slavery. Not slavery at all. Extraction. Just imagine how much money we could make off of this. The President of the United States coming to the Twin Republic next month to buy the rights to the ACT Programme so that it could be used in their country. It’s been publicized that he’s coming to the country to discuss a trade agreement but we know better than that. I’m also very close to inking a deal with Jamaica, the United Kingdom and India. These countries paying plenty money for this product that was made right in the Twin Republic. You should feel proud.”

“What exactly is that product? Death and destruction?”

“Oh you eh see it yet,” Jeremy said before digging within a draw on his table. He pulled out a small green syringe with a needle pointing out of it that eerily glimmered. A green gooey substance bubbled inside. “This my friend is the product. It contains the symbiote responsible for the transformation. The rights to this product sells for one billion dollars. But most of the countries wanted to see if it was worth the price.”

“I’m a bit confused. I thought the Midnight Robber’s plan was to……” I started

“Stop right there. Before you continue just remember that me and the Midnight Robber is two separate beings. His goals and plans don’t revolve around money. His goals revolve around power and forceful patriotism. It was his idea to keep changing the people of the Twin Republic into ancient characters relevant to the country’s heritage. My job is simply to make the Midnight Robber happy and make myself happy. He gets what he wants and I get what I want. Full stop.”

“Your idea of happiness is a bit skewed. You don’t think so?”

“My idea of happiness is waking up in the morning without worries. Without fear that there won’t be food in the fridge. I am putting everything in place now so that I could die happy. As soon as I ink those deals I’ll be so rich that I could buy the moon.”

“And by putting things in place you mean turning everyone in the world into mindless slaves?” I said.

Ancil Gonzales is a Trinidadian writer and blogger with a love for Movies, TV Shows and Anime.
