The Midnight Robber: A Novel [ACT II: Jumbie Island]

“Sam doesn’t strike me as the whore type,” I said.

“She sleep with everybody in parliament, male and female, and get them to reveal classified information. That is very whorish if you ask me. How you think the Midnight Robber was always one step ahead of the government hmmm? I sure you know plenty about that Cornell.”

Cornell cringed and his jaws tightened.

I recalled in my mind back in Tobago when Sam had sent the army to Tobago in the hovercraft to be shot out the sky by the Midnight Robber’s missiles. But then I recalled when she saved me from the Midnight Robber by giving Megan the gun. “How come you know this?” I asked Anansi.

“You forget where I used to live? I used to live in Mas Camp in the middle of all the bacchanal. I know a lot of things. I even know the Midnight Robber’s future plans for the ACT Programme. He planning on spreading this plague to the rest of the world. He believe that by spreading it to the entire world he’ll be fulfilling Dr. Eric Williams’ dream. Fool.”

“But the people from the US, UK and China smart. How is he supposed to spread it to these technologically advanced nations.”

“The Midnight Robber smart too.”

“That would most definitely cause a war,” Cornell said.

“You feel the Midnight Robber don’t know that? Why you feel he have all them jumbies walking around for? To pick up space?” Anansi said.

“He’s building an army!!” I shouted.

“You much smarter than you look Jed.”

“This is not good,” Cornell said.

“That is the least of we worries right now,” Anansi said when he spotted Mama Glow in a pool of blood on the river bank. Her body was completely torn in half. Only the upper part of her body lay on the river bank, while the lower portion of her body was nowhere to be found. She was still alive but barely. Her eyes were wide open in shock and she was trembling as more and more blood exited her body.

Anansi stopped the bleeding by spraying a layer of his web over her. He then picked her up threw her over his back and set off to the house. On our way back we noticed the skeletons of the baby goats still tied to the tree drenched in a thick saliva that smelled like rotten food. There wasn’t any signs of skin or internal organs so whoever ate the baby goats made sure to eat every last piece of flesh.

“Who did this?” I asked.

Anansi didn’t answer.

“Who did this?” I asked, raising my voice a little.

Anansi stopped walking. “Let we focus on getting Mama Glow to safety first. We’ll talk about the other powers at hand in this forest later.”

I settled for Anansi’s answer and waited till we got back to the house.

Maggie took Mama Glow and placed her on a bed. She then made a special type of soup for Mama Glow that brought her out of the shocked state. Anansi explained to us that in a matter of hours Mama Glow’s entire body would regenerate once she didn’t bleed out. Even though Mama Glow was undead she still needed blood to live.

We all gathered around Mama Glow’s bed when she finally began to wake up. Part of her legs had already regenerated but there was still a bit more to go.

“Good to see that you breathing,” Anansi told Mama Glow when she woke up.

“HE get stronger,” Mama Glow said with her eyes wide opened and in shock, completely bypassing Anansi’s concerns. “I couldn’t take HIM out this time. HE was quicker, sss–sstronger…Bigger.”

“Who’s HE?” I asked Mama Glow.

“The most feared creation of the Midnight Robber. The La……”

“I would prefer if you don’t say his name in my house,” Anansi interrupted.

“I’m afraid that that’s not going to be enough to keep HIM away. HE have your scent now. HE know how to find you. The rope that you use to carry the baby goats had your smell. And you know how HE movesss.”

Ancil Gonzales is a Trinidadian writer and blogger with a love for Movies, TV Shows and Anime.
