‘Tear Along the Dotted Line’ is an Italian adult animated series written and directed by cartoonist Zerocalcare. The series received an incredible 100% audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes. It tells the story of a cartoonist in Rome, with his armadillo-for-a-conscience. ‘Tear Along the Dotted Line’ is an insightful animated show that ended with a rather painful reminder. Will it return for more? Let’s find out.
When Will ‘Tear Along the Dotted Line’ Season 2 Release?
As of this writing, there is no official announcement about ‘Tear Along the Dotted Line’ Season 2 yet. It has been months, but Netflix has not commented on its renewal so far. The first season of ‘Tear Along the Dotted Line’ premiered on Netflix on 17 November 2021, with six episodes in total. The animated series became quite controversial. Turkish newspaper Sabah called the series a scandal for featuring the People Defense Units flag in the trailer and the Kurdistan Workers Party rags in an episode. This is not the first time for a Netflix show to meet controversies. So, we are not sure if that will affect its renewal. With no renewal available, it’s hard to predict when will season 2 come out.
What Is ‘Tear Along the Dotted Line’ Season 2 About?
The animated series tells the story of Zero, a dorky cartoonist from Rome, who travels to the city of Biella with his friends Sarah and Secco and his armadillo-for-a-conscience.
The show follows Zero as he recollects different episodes of his life, friendships, and relationship with Alice, his crush. The series ended with a rather unexpected and unfortunate twist, with Zero finding out what truly happened to Alice. We will refrain from spoiling you the ending, so check out the series if you want to know more. The first season has concluded the story with a definite sense of finality. Thus, if the anime returns for season 2, Zerocalcare will have to create a new plot for his character.
Who Is Cast In ‘Tear Along the Dotted Line’ Season 2?
We are still waiting for the anime to get renewed for season 2. But if that happens, we might see the season one cast again. Zerocalcare voiced himself in the animated series and all the other characters (except Armadillo) in the first five episodes of season 1. He will most certainly return if the anime gets renewed.
Other voice cast members are:
Valerio Mastandrea as Armadillo
Chiara Gioncardi as Sarah (episode 6)
Paolo Vivio as Secco (episode 6)
Veronica Puccio as Alice (episode 6)
Ambrogio Colombo as Alice’s father (episode 6)
Michele Foschini as Guy (episode 6)
Ezio Conenna
Alessandra Sani as additional voices (episode 6
‘Tear Along the Dotted Line’ Trailer
Here is the official trailer of ‘Tear Along the Dotted Line’ while we continue to wait for more updates on season 2.