‘Phubbing’ Is A New Trend You’re Probably Guilty Of And It’s Killing Relationships

Your relationship could suffer as a result of a recent trend, which you might not even be aware of adopting.

The term ‘phubbing’ describes a social faux pas that many of us have undoubtedly committed more than once.

Since many of us may not be familiar with the term, let’s explain what ‘phubbing’ is.

Imagine yourself out on a date. Everything is going great, you two are enjoying yourself, perhaps this could be the one, and if it is, now is a great time to spend quality time together on a date night.

Then all of a sudden, your phone goes off, and even though it was a lovely time, you can’t help but scratch the itch in your head caused by technology.

You give in, check your phone, and begin texting your friend back.

Congratulations! You can now enjoy the pleasures of phubbing.

This is a combination of the words “phone” and “snubbing,” since you are snubbing someone by using your phone.

It’s probably unnecessary for someone to remind you that this is extremely impolite, but researchers have examined the specific effects that such behavior can have on relationships.

The impact of ‘phubbing’ was investigated in a 2022 study. The authors noted that this phenomena, which affects people’s social interactions, is a significant risk factor for romantic partnerships.

Stated differently, the quality of the romantic connection is judged to be lower and relationship satisfaction is negatively impacted when couples are too preoccupied with their smartphones.

Not only that, but phubbing your significant other may also have a negative impact on your general happiness.

Thus, the phubber also gets phubbed off at the end, in addition to the phubbee.

As per the study’s explanation, the findings suggest that partner phubbing has a noteworthy indirect impact on life happiness by means of perceived quality of romantic relationships and relationship satisfaction.

“These results reveal that relationship satisfaction and perceived romantic relationship quality decrease in individuals who are exposed to partner phubbing behaviors, and that decreased relationship satisfaction and romantic relationship quality harm life satisfaction.”

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