
'Loving Adults' Ending, Explained: Did Christain kill Leonora?

Contrary to its title, the crime-thriller has a high amount of suspense, accompanied by a brilliant plot knitting.

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Loving Adults, Netflix's not-so-loving movie is moving tables with its dark theme.

Contrary to its title, the crime-thriller has a high amount of suspense, accompanied by a brilliant plot knitting. It follows the story of a couple, who seem to have a perfect life together. At the beginning of the movie, a police officer talks about the murder case of Leonora to her daughter. Christian is her husband who kills her by running a car over her from behind. And from there the movie takes off. 


What could have led Christain to kill his wife? The story goes a few days back when Christain's phone was vibrating like a chainsaw and blinking like a Christmas tree. that's where his wife Leonora couldn't settle down and demanded to see his phone. Christain refused to a level where he threw his phone into the wall, breaking it. That text message starts the domino effect that culminates in Leonora’s murder. So, what happens after that?

Did Christain kill Leonora?

Christain is definitely not the one who killed Leonora. He did try to kill Leonora after she threatened to take Johan away from him. Leonora gives him an ultimatum and asks him to either break up with his mistress Xenia or she'll turn him in by telling the cops that he was involved in a financial fraud to get money for his son's treatment. Christian panicked and got scared after listening to his wife and attempted to kill her while she was out jogging. But Christain was unaware of the changed jogging routine and ended up running over an innocent woman.


What Happens to Xenia?

Xenia was in Leonora's eyes the moment she learned about her affair with her husband. And after learning that Christain tried to kill Leonora, she was furious and she makes a new plan for her and Christian’s relationship. She wants them to team up and kill Xenia to remove the threat to their relationship permanently. 


On the day of execution, Leonora suspected her husband, believing that he won't be able to do the needful. Leonora follows Christain to Xenia's place and barged into her house through the window and stabbed her in the back calling out her husband by saying “I know you couldn’t do it.”  Then Leonora and Christian hide Xenia’s body inside a bonfire at a big neighborhood party. The bonfire goes up in flames. They take Xenia’s bones in a bag, sell their house, and move out of town.