Lost For Words: A Novel

“Do you believe that everything that happens in your life, good or bad, ultimately leads to the same end?”

“I believe in destiny by design. I believe destiny is never really final.” I stopped myself from rambling on then said, “Why?”

“Because somehow I feel like I’m supposed to be right here right now. I feel as though everything that has happened in my life has led me to this point.”

“Is this about that little girl?” I asked.

“It’s all about that little girl. For some strange reason, when I looked at her, I saw a little me. Alone, depressed, feeling like nothing good will ever happen in my life and I would have loved if someone could have come along and told me that everything was going to be okay.”

“I understand.”

“And Tanty Mavis said something that really stuck with me. She said that if you could just do your part to help one child, do it. This is my bit.”

I nodded my head trying to find something to say but once again Kate had me at a loss for words.

Tanty Mavis came into the room and told us that dinner was ready so we both followed her to the dining room which was pretty big and spacious. There were about six rectangular tables and around each of them was a group of young people eating; all except one. One particular table only had one person on it and by now I think you can guess who it was. Kate and I went over to the table where Juliet sat. Even though there was ample space for Juliet among the others she apparently chose to sit by herself and eat.

“Hey, Julie!” Kate said, upbeat as she sat down.

I greeted her with a smile.

“Nobody does call me Julie,” Juliet replied with her head down.

“But can I call you Julie?” Kate asked.


Tanty Mavis came and placed our food on the table while we sat. It wasn’t anything special though. Just some bread and eggs with grape juice.

“I hope allyuh like it,” Tanty Mavis said.

Kate and I said thank you then she left.

“So Julie,” Kate started again. “What do you do around here for fun? Do you have any hobbies, or passions?”

Juliet shook her head.

“No hobbies!” I intervened. “Everyone has hobbies.”

“I don’t have any hobbies,” Juliet said. She stretched her words sounding a bit annoyed by my comment.

Kate looked at me sternly and even though she didn’t say anything I could have plainly read her body language as saying, “Shut up and let me do all the talking!!”

Kate turned her attention back to Juliet and then said, “Writing’s a hobby.”

“I like writing,” Juliet said.

“There you go! That’s your hobby. You’re a writer and so are we,” Kate said.

“You two is writers?” Juliet asked.

“Yes, but there is one rule that you must follow if you’re a writer,” Kate started.

“What’s that?”

Ancil Gonzales is a Trinidadian writer and blogger with a love for Movies, TV Shows and Anime.
