Lost For Words: A Novel

Chapter 15: The One Eyed Girl

That was it! That was the weird feeling I was getting. I spun around looking for the bag but there was no sign of it anywhere.

“Everything was in that bag. My clothes, my bank cards, my money, my I.D, D.P Passport.” She paused for a little then said, “My book.”

After a moment of panicking on the same spot Kate started to walk down the beach in search of her bag, her stomps forming craters in the sand. She walked for about five minutes and I followed behind but there was no luck. The bag was gone and the realization of this caused Kate to throw herself in the sand with her hand over her face. I didn’t know what to say so I just said nothing.

“My life is over,” Kate said. Her voice sounded muffled as her hands covered her face and her mouth.

“No, it’s not,” I said.

“It is. My whole life was in that bag. Every bit of it. Without it, I’m broke, stranded without any identity.”

I felt like Kate was exaggerating the severity of the situation or maybe I was just being oblivious to how bad it was. In any case, I tried to keep my head and comfort her because that was one of the hats I had to wear as boyfriend; the comforter hat.

“I’m sure we’ll find it. The lifeguards probably took it.”

“You’re right. You’re right. The lifeguards definitely have it,” Kate said, trying to convince herself.

The lifeguards didn’t have it and there started Kate’s fall into depression. She didn’t say that she was depressed but lying on the sand with your hands over your face and sobbing without even saying a word is definitely a proponent of depression. Or at least the early stages of it.

So, since Kate was clearly not in the mood to talk, I just lay on the sandy floor and took a nap. I had this strange feeling that if I had fallen asleep Kate would have done something stupid like run away or worst case scenario, drown herself but after about 5-6 hours of napping I woke up and to my surprise, Kate was still there. She was sitting on the sand, staring at the sunset with her arms folded over her knees.

Without even turning to me she said, “You snore a lot.”

There was a relaxing feel to the setting in front of us and I felt like just lying on the sand for the rest of the evening into the night. The sound of crashing waves and seagulls created a kind of symphony that if recorded could have definitely gotten a Grammy Award.

“I snore when I’m tired.” I got up and sat next to Kate.

We both stared out at the sunset and the sunset stared back at us, lighting up our faces with a kind of yellowish glow. It was a divine moment that we could have both cherished despite the fact that we were stranded without any money.

Kate laid her head on my shoulder and without words, we just remained there quiet until the sun made its final stance for the day.

Kate and I had to hitch a ride from random strangers and we were so lucky that the people who gave us a ride were really friendly despite the fact that both Kate and I smelled of seaweed and salt, among other things. We told them our situation and they understood to the point that they even gave us some money and a fresh T-shirt for me.

They dropped us off at the opposite side of the street of a place called City Gate after taking a whole bunch of back roads to beat the traffic which was almost unbearable especially as Christmas loomed nearby. The random strangers who introduced themselves as Brandon and Sherry were kind and friendly but not kind and friendly enough to endure standstill traffic at 8pm in the night to drop us in front of the Hyatt. They gave us directions but it was useless. They went into great detail but the more details they gave the more confusing it got.

Brandon: Head down the road and you go see a big lighthouse. When you see the lighthouse turn left before you reach and keep walking till you see a vagrant sleeping at the side of the road. He name is Tony and he does always be there around this time. Keep walking straight and then make a right from KFC.

Sherry: Is left, they supposed to make a left

Brandon: No no, is right.

Sherry: You’re supposed to turn right after you make the left.

Brandon: Or Horrr!!! Right right right. Is left. You make a left first then make a right.

Ancil Gonzales is a Trinidadian writer and blogger with a love for Movies, TV Shows and Anime.
