Lost For Words: A Novel

“You want to know why I didn’t say it back to you the last time? It wasn’t because I didn’t feel the same but because I was afraid.”

“Afraid of what?”

“The unknown.”

I didn’t respond, mainly because I couldn’t think of anything to say but also to give her the opportunity to explain but she didn’t.

“But I’m not afraid anymore,” Kate eventually said after a small pause. “With new beginnings come new fears and I don’t know what those new fears might be but the old ones are now just dust to my feet. I want things to be different this time. I really do.”

“It will be. We can make a new life together, you and I, here in Trinidad. We can get a house somewhere on the beach among the coconut trees and live happily ever after.”

“Happily ever after. I like the sound of that,” Kate said with a low-key smile.

I shuffled closer to her and wrapped my hand around her wet body and she laid her head on my chest which drenched my t-shirt with water but I didn’t care. “Right now, in this moment is our happily ever after.”

“I love you,” Kate mumbled after about ten seconds. She said it softly and her words sounded slurred but she wasn’t done. “I love you so much.” This time it was louder.

My life was complete. I smiled a lot on the inside but I just let out a small smirk on the outside when I heard her say that she loved me. Everything was fine and I held on to the hope that it would be like this forever because I was actually truly happy but the thing about happiness is that it doesn’t last forever. It is rare, ephemeral, and fleeting!

Ancil Gonzales is a Trinidadian writer and blogger with a love for Movies, TV Shows and Anime.
