It was a slow and somewhat awkward walk back to the house as Samantha and I sauntered at around 8 am clutching each other in the cold. The streets were busy and I wanted to hurry up but Samantha had a slight limp and a wobble which made speeding almost impossible. Cars swooshed passed us and scores of eyes trailed us on our quest back. Samantha was drifting in and out of consciousness as her weariness took over. I was basically carrying her and we were incredibly muddy and looked like two homeless crackheads but luckily we weren’t naked. We had managed to find our clothes which were sprawled out across the grass of the park.
We finally made it back to the house which was wide open. Anyone could have just walked in and stolen all our stuff and the fear of it actually happening gripped me as I limbered on with Samantha, now asleep, to the door.
I laid Samantha on the living room couch and fixed her trench coat so as to keep her naked body from showing. I then searched the house for any missing stuff and after finding everything intact, I sat on the floor using the couch Samantha slept on as a backrest and almost immediately drifted to sleep. I didn’t even bother to hit the shower to rid myself of all the dirty mud. I just fell asleep.
I awoke a couple of hours later to the sound of my mother’s yelling. She was yelling something about something but I was in too much of a daze to pay attention. I didn’t know where my mom was but I just heard her complaining from a distance. I turned around and I saw Samantha still lying on the couch fast asleep but her trench coat — well, her trench coat wasn’t covering her anymore. I closed my eyes and sighed at the sight knowing very well that my mother knew that we had sex. This was not good.
My mother then stormed into the living room. “Ronald Percy Baker! What in God’s name happened here? And why is Samantha lying naked on the chair?”
“She was cold,” I said, trying to make up an excuse.
She placed her hand on her forehead, slightly shaking her head, and said, “You are in so much trouble but I can’t deal with that right now. I have company to entertain.”
“My boyfriend, Will, is here. I’ll be in the other room with him for the next couple of hours. When we’re done I want to see this entire living room cleaned.”
“Yes, Mom.”
She turned to walk away but then turned back and said, “Oh, and you’re grounded for a year.”
“A year? But that’s not fair.”
“It’s also not fair for me to walk into my house with company and have to explain to them why the place smells like sweaty teenagers and why a naked girl is lying on my living room couch covered in mud. Do you really think that that’s fair for me?”
“No,” I admitted with my head down.
“My house, my rules. You’re lucky I didn’t ground you for 2 years. I haven’t even started about your little episode with Samantha.”
“We didn’t do anything. She must have stripped naked while she was asleep.”
“That’s it. That’s another year for lying.”
“Go easy on the lad, Grace,” William came from behind and said, placing his arms around her shoulder. His voice was cool and suave. “He was just having some fun with his girlfriend.”
“That girl is not his girlfriend. It’s his……” My mom stopped talking, unable to finish her sentence. “How is she still sleeping?”
My mom had a point. There was no way Samantha could have slept through all our loud talking. I turned to her on the chair and her eyes were closed shut with black bags around it. My nerves jangled a bit when I couldn’t notice any chest and abdomen movements from her exposed body. I quickly began to shake her in hopes of getting her to wake up and when she didn’t wake up I shook more vigorously and shouted, “Sam!” The panic in my voice could have been heard as it broke.
William quickly shoved me aside from Samantha and knelt beside the chair she was on and laid his head on her chest in an attempt to detect movement. His head lay there for quite some time as my mom stood worriedly beside me looking down on Samantha on the chair.
“Is she breathing?” My mom asked, worried.