Lost For Words: A Novel

“My underwear? In the middle of a public park? Sorry, I can’t.”

“Yes, you can. I’m not going to pull it off you. I did all the heavy lifting, now man up and take the rest off!”

I hesitated, looked around then slowly pulled my underwear down exposing “it” to the entire world. “It” was my penis but I will refer to it as “it” for now.

“It” was surprisingly docile at first but as I whipped it out exposing “it” to the cold air and the sight of Samantha’s naked body it sprung to life in a massive erectile escalation.

Samantha’s eyes strayed down and she just couldn’t keep her eyes off of “it”. I still panned my eyes around the park to make sure that no one was around. I felt less nervous as I realized that no one was in the park.

“Now you have something to write about in your book. The day you became a man,” Samantha said with a flirtatious smile. “And if you catch me, I’ll make you feel more like the man you just became.” She jetted off into the darkness. I rolled my eyes with a smile, sighed a bit then ran after her into the night, both of us butt naked with the cold air against our skins.

Samantha ran deeper into the park and then out into a nearby forest, laughing and giggling. I followed after keenly, trying my best not to lose her in the darkness that beset the forest. I could have barely seen anything among the trees but I followed her taunts until I finally caught her and jammed her against the long, thick, wooded stalk of one of the Elm trees. Our bodies rubbed against each other, creating heat in the cold air. Without further hesitation, I leaned in closer to her and then we were kissing against the stalk of the Elm tree. Her lips were soft against mine and her body warm. We moved from the tree and onto the forest floor which was a bit moist and muddy. I felt the mud on my body but our lips refused to part. I knew that Samantha was in the thick of the mud as I lay on top of her pressing her deeper into the muddy floor while “it” danced around in between her legs. She didn’t mind and I knew because I tried to raise her from the mud but her grip tightened around me when I did. I assumed that she enjoyed the mud so I pressed down on her harder and faster.

It was the second time that I ever had sex but it was the first time that I ever had sex in the mud in the middle of the forest. To be honest, the experience was actually the best experience I ever had in my life. Sex with Kate was great but sex with Samantha was mind-blowingly awesome. I guess Samantha was right about the whole “free yourself and do something crazy” before sex-method.

Samantha and I rolled around in the mud as we made love into the wee hours of the morning. Her loud and passionate screams of pleasure echoed out into the night alerting all the animals of our presence. The kind of sex we were having wasn’t the kind that you could find on a porn site but one that you could find on the Discovery Channel. We were wild, loud and I felt like an animal; a really wild animal.

It was 2 am and Samantha and I lay on the forest floor looking up at the moon which looked down on us like a dirty pervert. My hands were tucked behind my head and Samantha’s arm and legs were outstretched over my body. We were both stained and completely covered in mud.

“I guess you were right,” I said.

“If we’re going to be together you’re going to have to understand that I’m always right. Questioning me is like questioning the sun about gravity and the moon about circulation.”

“You girls and your space analogies,” I said

“I’m guessing you’ve had experience with space analogies before.”

“When I was with Kate she compared my love for her to the light that illuminates the dark reaches of her mostly dark universe.”

Samantha got quiet.

“Not much of a fan of Kate anymore huh?”

“Why would I be a fan of her? Maybe if she returned my calls or replied to my WhatsApp messages then maybe I’ll spare her some breeze. You know, I really thought that we were friends. I really did but that was just a lie.”

I remained quiet staring up at the heavens.

“If we’re going to be together I want you to promise me one thing,” Samantha said.

“What’s that?”

“Never mention Kate to me. If you ever mention her I will punch you.”

“Just don’t break my heart the way-” I stopped myself then said, “she-who-shall-not-be-named did.”

Samantha’s cuddle got tighter as she laid her head on my bare chest. “Your heart is safe with me.”


I looked up at the moon as Samantha lay on my chest with her eyes closed. I was thinking about a lot of things but mostly of Samantha and how I finally had sex with her after so many years of being friends. I guess the friend zone wasn’t an inescapable place after all. Or maybe it is an inescapable place but maybe I was just the Houdini. Suddenly, my father popped up into my head. For some reason, I saw the moon as my father looking down at me, shaking his head in disappointment.

“You know what’s weird?” I said to Samantha hoping that she was awake.

“What’s that honey?” Samantha asked, keeping her head on my chest.

“Right now, I feel like my father is looking down on me from the sky and judging me. How weird is that? He was a firm believer in abstinence till marriage.”

“I’m sure he would be proud of you,” Samantha said, sounding slightly despondent.

“No, he wouldn’t be. I disappointed him. I disappointed him so many times. Do you know what the last thing I said to him before he died was?” I said.


“Nothing. I said nothing. My father’s dying wish was to see his son for one last time before he died. That’s all he wanted but I wasn’t there. I was too late. While he was at the hospital, I only visited him once. He was dying and I only visited him once.” I shook my head at the thought. “I kept telling myself that he was going to be okay; that everything was going to be okay; that he was going to come home. I didn’t want to believe that my father would never return. After doctors used up all the treatment options for his cancer, they told my mom that he wasn’t going to make it and he had only a few days to live. My dad was brave and strong. He said that the only thing he wanted was to say goodbye to his son. That’s all he wanted. My mom called me and told me my father’s dying wish and I tried to get there. I really did try. But I was too late. Not only did my father not get to tell me goodbye but I also didn’t get the chance to tell him just how much I loved him.”

“At least you tried,” Samantha said.

“Trying isn’t good enough. Ever since that day, I promised myself that I would never neglect the people I love even if it kills me. That’s why I acted like I did when Kate went missing. I was worried that something had happened to her. I was worried that she was dying and that I would have gotten there too late to save her.”

Samantha hadn’t raised her head the whole time but I prompted her to look at me by gently raising her face towards mine. “Look at me. I made those mistakes in the past but I promise you that I’ll never leave you in your time of need. When you need me, I’ll be there. I promise.”

Samantha smiled and said, “I need you, now.”

“And I’m here.”

Ancil Gonzales is a Trinidadian writer and blogger with a love for Movies, TV Shows and Anime.
