Lost For Words: A Novel

E! News – Nope

Terminator 4 – Hmmmm. Saw it already

The Walking Dead – Of Course.

“I hate this show,” Samantha said referring to The Walking Dead.

The sudden urge to kick her out of the house overwhelmed me but I suppressed it. “How could you not like The Walking Dead?” The awkward tension got less.

“I’m not much a fan of blood and guts. It’s a nice show but the blood and guts are just awful.”

In that same instance, a scene of a walker eating blood and guts appeared on the screen and the awkward tension grew again. Samantha took the remote control and changed the channel to E! News. They were talking about a lot of celebrities but one of them plainly stood out to me; Tom Hiddens.

“Who is this mystery girl living in Tom Hiddens’s five million dollar mansion?” The host said, showing a blurry picture of a girl petting a big dog. The picture was so blurry that you couldn’t make out the person’s face or the type of dog but she wore a green sweater. “We have the details for you and more, coming up on-” The television flashed off.

“Who cares about Tom Hiddens and his mistresses?” Samantha said.

“I think that was Kate in the image,” I said.

“Why would you even care? How long has it been since she left? I’m sure that she hasn’t even contacted you once since that night outside the restaurant.”

“No, she hasn’t,” I said.

“She has clearly moved on and so should you.”

I didn’t respond but maybe Samantha was right. I wasn’t about to admit that though.

“I’ve got the perfect girl for you,” Samantha said.


She shuffled closer, looked me in the eye with her big beady eyes, and said, “Me.”

I froze, and it wasn’t because of a catastrophic cosmic disaster. I didn’t know what to say so I just laughed it out, expecting it to be a joke or something. But Samantha’s face remained stern.

“Ohh you’re serious?” I asked, realizing that she hadn’t laughed.

“You can’t tell me that after all these years that we have known each other you’ve never had any feelings for me.”

I actually did have feelings for Samantha a long time ago. She was my first real crush. But after being in the friend zone for so long I just accepted that we were friends and never really pursued her as a friend with the prefix “girl”.

While thinking of my next move I looked over at the blank television screen and I pictured the blurry image of Kate. I saw her smiling. I saw her having fun with the dog. I saw her happy. Why would I want to take her away from that? I knew exactly what had to be done.

“You’re right. You are the perfect girl for me,” I said.

Samantha smiled and then proceeded to hug me but I stopped her and inquired cautiously, “Wait. Does this mean that we are like boyfriend and girlfriend?”

“If you want us to be.”

I then let her hug me and I hugged back. The feeling of her warm breast against my body felt good but it just wasn’t quite Kate. While hugging I smelt the strong stench of alcohol and I knew that her decision was slightly under the influence of alcohol, like most. Samantha had mastered drunkenness to an art. She could be as drunk as a fish and you wouldn’t even know. It’s almost as if her body became immune to the ravages of alcohol and all its effects. But that’s just what happens when you are introduced to alcohol at the tender age of 15 by an irresponsible drunk of a mother who leaves bottles of Grey Goose and Scotch unattended in the fridge.

“I’m so happy to have you. I’ve had all these boyfriends but even after they come and go, you’ve always been there and I appreciate that. I really do and tonight I want to show you just…how…much….I appreciate you.” Each word sent a shiver up my spine even though some were slurred. I knew exactly what she wanted. Well, I assumed that I knew exactly what she wanted.

“Sounds like a plan,” I flirted.

“How about I go change into something a bit more….comfy,” Samantha said, getting up from the chair. “You just sit tight.” She grabbed her trench coat from the coat rack and went upstairs. After about five minutes, she came back down wearing her trench coat.

“That doesn’t seem very comfy,” I said.

Without saying anything, she unbuttoned the trench coat and dropped it to the floor exposing her bare naked body below.

Ancil Gonzales is a Trinidadian writer and blogger with a love for Movies, TV Shows and Anime.
