Lost For Words: A Novel

Chapter 10: The Naked Adventure

Months had passed since I last saw Kate back in July and I was beginning to forget about her. The summer sun simmered down to a kind of sun that’s only purpose was to light up the day, and nothing else. The heat was almost nonexistent to me even though it evidently wasn’t nonexistent because if it was I would have frozen to death before I even had the chance to be conceived in my mother’s womb in an eternal void caused by cosmic inconsistencies. I had all the right to believe that I was in the middle of a catastrophic cosmic disaster but every time I thought I was going to freeze to death…Well, I didn’t. The cold was a normal thing in the US but the cold was still abnormal to me.

I spent a lot of time indoors working on my new book, Lost Four Letters. I was having a hard time deciding if I should have named the book either Lost For Words or Lost Four Letters. It seemed like a rather insignificant dilemma but it’s amazing how just one little word can make the difference between a bestseller and a bum. I decided to stick with Lost Four Letters since the story was about a 19-year-old boy who had lost the love of his life. He lost that four letter word which had the ability to word half of a love story. The other half is obviously the story.

One night, while working on my new book, I got a call from Samantha. Samantha and I did keep in contact after our episode at the Al-Cream store. We met up once or twice and went back to the Al-Cream store to get some more of the alcoholic goodness but more so to laugh at the falling drunks. It was an evil thing to do but heck, it was damn funny, especially for the drunken versions of ourselves. We were just two single people having fun, kind of just like old times with the only difference being Samantha’s relationship status.

“Hey Samantha,” I answered my cell phone.

“Are you home?” She asked.

“Where else would I be at eleven o’clock at night?” I answered, wiping my drooping eyes.

“With me, outside.”

“Ummm, what?” I was confused. It sort of sounded like she was flirting with me. She had never flirted with me before.

“It’s me. I’m outside. I’ve been ringing the bell for five minutes now.”

I then heard the doorbell ringing finally realizing that it was indeed ringing all along. I was so caught up in my book that I didn’t even hear it. “Umm…Okay, I’ll be there in a second.”

I ran downstairs and answered the door. Samantha stood at the door wearing a fancy six-button red trench coat.

“Is your mom home?” Samantha asked.

“No, she’s sleeping over by a friend,” I said.

“Ohhh. Then I guess I don’t have to ask her then,” Samantha said, inviting herself in and closing the door behind her. She took off her trench coat exposing her incredibly tight clothing below. Her black leggings were so tight that I could have seen every single curve and crevice situated on her lower body. Her black tank top was also tight and it made her breasts seem huge but I tried my best not to look at it. As she turned around to put the trench coat on the coat rack, I found my eyes gravitating to her rear to catch a glimpse of the rare sighting. I hated myself after I did it but my eyes loved it. They were nice, round, and plump like footballs.

I shook the lust out of my head then said, “Ask her what?”

She turned back to me after what seemed like a really long time facing the coat rack and said, “If I can stay over tonight.”

I wanted to ask her questions like, “Why would you want to stay over at my place,” but instead I just said, “Ohhh.”

“Do you think she’d mind?” Samantha asked.

“She enjoys your company. I don’t think she’d mind,” I answered. “The guest room is a bit unkempt but I’m sure we could work something out.”

“I’m sure we can,” Samantha said, stretching her words seductively.

“You want to watch a movie?” I asked, breaking the supposed romance.


I sat on the living room chair and turned the television on, flicking through the channels to see if anything good was on. Samantha sat upright, one cushion away from me, with her hand on her legs kind of awkwardly and tense.

Ancil Gonzales is a Trinidadian writer and blogger with a love for Movies, TV Shows and Anime.
