Lost For Words: A Novel

“The restrooms are that way,” Adam said, pointing in the opposite direction Kate was heading.

“I forgot something in the car,” Kate said, continuing her trek to the door without even turning back.

There was now an awkward moment of silence as Adam and Rebecca kept their eyes on their plates, finishing it up.

“You know what’s weird?” I said, breaking the silence.

“What’s that buddy?” Adam asked.

“She doesn’t have the keys.”

“Hmmm,” Adam drawled. “That is pretty strange.”

“You want me to go look for her?” Rebecca asked.

“Let’s just wait. She’ll be back,” I said.

We finished eating and sat and waited for half an hour but there was no sign of Kate. I called her phone but the loud blast of her ringtone echoed through her purse on the restaurant floor alerting me that she had left it. We paid the bill, grabbed Kate’s purse, and left the restaurant with hopes that we’d find her on our way to the concert. I was getting a bit worried by the length of time that she went missing and I was sure that Adam and Rebecca saw it in my face. We were outside in the restaurant parking lot just waiting to see if we would see Kate but she never showed.

“The show starts in an hour,” Rebecca said. “If we don’t leave now we are going to be late.”

“She’s right,” Adam said. “We have to leave now. I’m sure that Kate will find her way.”

“I’m not leaving without her,” I protested.

“She obviously doesn’t want to be around us, Ron. If she did want to be around us, she wouldn’t have lied about where she was going.” Adam said.

“She’s not like that,” I said.

“And how do you know?” Adam asked, a bit rude in his expression.

“I just know okay,”

“Aye,” Adam retorted.

“What if something happened to her and she needs our help?” Rebecca queried, concerned.

“That’s also a possibility,” I said.

“I highly doubt that. But in any case, I’m leaving. I didn’t spend fifty bucks on a ticket to waste it.” Adam started off towards his cherry red convertible.

“I thought you got the tickets free,” I said.

“Are you coming?” Adam asked Rebecca, totally ignoring my statement.

Rebecca turned to me and said, “I hope you find your Freundin” I realized that she really meant it. There was a genuine glow in her eye.

“I hope so too!”

Rebecca smiled a little then headed off after Adam.

“We’ll be at the concert if you need us,” Adam yelled before driving off.

I looked up at the full moon in the sky and just by the way it shimmered I knew that it was going to be a long night. I leaned back on my mom’s car and sighed with my eyes closed in preparation for the night. I was beginning to think that Kate really wasn’t going to come back but the fact that I had her purse made me doubt myself. All her stuff was in there and she wouldn’t just leave without it. The purse was enough justification for me to wait for her. As I waited for her, the number of cars in the parking lot slowly began to decrease until mine was nearly the only one. A lonely feeling began to consume me and it wasn’t because of the emptiness of the restaurant parking lot.

Ancil Gonzales is a Trinidadian writer and blogger with a love for Movies, TV Shows and Anime.
