Kakegurui is a Japanese manga series written by Homura Kawamoto. The illustrations of the series are handled by Tōru Naomura. The anime adaptation of the manga was undertaken by MAPPA, and it was aired from July 1 to September 23, 2017, in Japan. Apart from that, a live-action drama adaptation premiered in 2018. The second season of the anime, titled ‘Kakegurui ××,’ was released and aired from January 8 to March 26, 2019. This Netflix anime is based on the Japanese manga of the same name, and it is one of the most popular anime on the platform. The animation and the production of the series are handled excellently by MAPPA. Here is everything you need to know about the third season of Kakegurui.
Will There Be Kakegurui Season 3?
Currently, there is no official news regarding the renewal status of the show, either from Netflix or from MAPPA. Although the program airs on Netflix, it does not necessarily mean that Netflix has the final say on it. Netflix only holds licensing rights for the show outside Japan, but it does not have the renewal rights to the series. Ultimately, the decision to proceed with the series or not will depend on MAPPA and the Japanese networks. However, let’s remain hopeful that we will hear about the renewal of the show soon. It appears that we will not see a season 3 of the original Kakegurui series, as Kakegurui Twins was released on August 4th, 2022.
What Is The Primary Story Of Kakegurui?
The story of Kakegurui is set in Hyakkou Private Academy. It is a high-class elite school that is home to the wealthiest children of Japan. But, funnily enough, the hierarchy of the school is not determined by the academic performance or any other quality, but by the skill of gambling the students have. The students in the said school are ranked by the amount of financial aid they are providing to the student council. The students who earn the favor of the gambling committee earn popularity, prestige, and connections. The unlucky ones, who are not so popular fall into debt, become house slaves, and tend to the whim and fancies of the student body. The ‘pets’ who are unable to clear their debts receive ‘life schedules,’ and it will dictate their future as they have to pay back the debt with their life.