Originally known as Ea Gia in Japan, Air Gear is a manga series penned and illustrated by Oh! Great. This futuristic sports series blends shounen and action, captivating fans with its unique storyline. The plot revolves around Itsuki Minami, a school gang leader, and his dream of dominating the skies with his friends Kazuma Mikura and Onigiri. But with season 1 done and dusted, can we expect Air Gear Season 2 anytime in the future? Let’s explore.
Will There Be Air Gear Season 2?
Air Gear has not yet been renewed for season 2. As of December 2023, the prospects of Air Gear Season 2 look bleak. The main hurdle is the series’ profitability. If there was significant demand, Kodansha might have approached Toei Animation for a new season. Unfortunately, after 15 years, the fan base has dwindled, making a new season or reboot unlikely.
As it stands, Air Gear has released only one season, along with three OVAs that aren’t direct continuations of the main series. The first season, consisting of 25 episodes, debuted in April 2006 and since then, has garnered a significant fan following.
The likelihood of an Air Gear Season 2 in 2024 boils down to two crucial factors: the source material and the financial success of the first season.
The Air Gear manga concluded with its 37th volume in 2012. The anime covered up to volume 13, which leaves plenty of content for a potential Season 2. For those eager to continue the story, check out Air Gear Omnibus 5.
The profitability of the series, however, raises concerns. The first season’s DVD sales were modest, and the manga’s sales, while impressive initially, saw a decline towards the end. Merchandise figures are decent but not overwhelming. This financial aspect might be a stumbling block for the second season’s realization.
For now, the manga remains the best way to continue the Air Gear story. While there’s no trailer or announcement for a Season 2 or 3, we’ll keep you updated.
Air Gear: Characters and Staff
Notable characters include Itsuki (voiced by Nobuhiko Okamoto), Kazuma (Miyu Irino), and Ringo (Haruka Tomatsu). The anime was directed by Hajime Kamegaki, with Chiaki Konaka handling script duties.