Accel World, which is known as Akuseru Wārudo in Japanese, is a must-watch anime television series based on a light novel series of the same name and is loved by anime fans. The Japanese action romance anime series has entertained fans with season 1, which premiered on April 7, 2012, and came out two years after the light-novel series, first published on February 10, 2009. The manga series was then written by Reki Kawahara and illustrated by HIMA. Fans are now waiting for the second season and want to know when they can expect new updates regarding it. Here’s everything we know about the second installment.
Will ‘Accel World’ Return With Season 2?
Renewal Status: Pending/Not Officially Confirmed
Release Date: Nothing Confirmed
Even though it has been eleven years since the last season came out, the possibility of the show getting another season cannot be dimmed because anime shows are notorious for making their fans wait for five years and so. However, it doesn’t seem likely that Accel World will return for a new season anytime soon. The author has apparently switched his focus to the even more popular Sword Art Online. Maybe once SAO is wrapped up, then MAYBE, we might get more Accel World. I wouldn’t hold my breath, though.
Accel World season 1 premiered on April 7, 2012, and finished airing on September 22, 2012. During the same time, two special original video animation (OVA) episodes under the name Accel World EX were released on September 13, 2012, and January 31, 2013. After three years, an anime film with an original storyline titled Accel World: Infinite∞Burst was released on July 23, 2016. Not just that, Accel World also has a spinoff show called Accel World: Acchel World, which aired between July 25, 2012, and February 27, 2013.
What Is ‘Accel World’ All About?
The story takes place in 2046 and revolves around a bullied boy named Haruyuku, who escapes from real life and goes into virtual reality games. The skill that he owns gets him the attention of popular girl Kuroyukihime, who makes him aware of a secret program called Brain Burst, which lets users speed up their brainwaves and essentially stop time. The secret program required players to fight with each other in a huge virtual game to earn points. Kuroyukihme wants Haruyuku’s help to defeat the faction leaders of Brain Burst, top the game, and become the one to meet the game’s creator. The anime series has managed to spawn video games and has a spinoff movie called Accel World: Infinite Burst in 2016 that took place after the final episode of season 1.
What To Expect In ‘Accel World’ Season 2?
Season 2 takes the story forward and will cover the rest of the light novel series and continue the main characters and quest to meet the game’s creator. Also, fans were left unsatisfied when the 2016 movie Accel World: Infinite Burst reused footage from the series with some new narration. We can expect the adventure and the game to grow more interesting in the second season.