Man Makes $72,000 In Just Six Weeks From A Simple Idea He Had While Out Drinking

Inventive suggestions for recovering from a night out might be as easy as setting out medications to ease the hangover or ordering pizza or chips to soak up the alcohol.

However, for one man, his concept for a night out turned into a profitable and successful business venture. The idea netted him about $72,000 in just six weeks.

After a night out in 2020 left him unable to call a taxi due to a dead phone, Bailey Page, a resident of Queensland, came up with the business idea.

After being forced to walk home, he began to consider ways to charge a phone without needing to be plugged in or carry about an absurdly large charger.

Here’s where Paige’s concept came in: he wanted to make a phone charger that individuals could carry about with them without taking up any space in their pockets while out on the town.

Amazingly, he remembered his new concept the next day when he got home from his night out. He began researching online but found he couldn’t find what he was looking for.

So, he decided to try his hand at making his idea a reality by investing all of his savings into developing it—all while he was a third-year university student.

After spending nine months collaborating with a manufacturer on Alibaba, Paige developed a device that can be attached to a phone and uses the Zip Zap website to charge the battery.

After that, the charger can be recharged and used again in two hours.

Juggling studies and exams alongside creating a business, Paige explained how he managed it to the Courier Mail: “My third year essentially, I just had to focus on getting uni complete while I did my studies.

“It was just a lot of late nights and weekend work to really cover up on what I couldn’t do through the week when I was at uni. I thought to myself, you know what, if I failed, I at least had a go.

“I always encourage young people just to have a go. You have to put a plan on paper. It’s always good to get outside eyes looking in and giving you feedback. You can never fail with starting and the biggest hurdle is actually just starting.”

Paige’s gamble paid off despite the long hours and restless nights because his invention served as the basis for his new business, Zip Zap Chargers, which allowed him to more than double his funds!

Zip Zap sold out of his initial batch of chargers in under two weeks and made roughly $72,000 in its first six weeks.

The company continued to expand, and he eventually broke his own record of selling 2,000 chargers in a year.

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