‘Elves,’ initially titled ‘Nisser,’ is a new Netflix Christmas Horror series directed by Roni Ezra. The series is based on the original idea of Jannik Tai Mosholt and Christiana Potalivo. The Danish horror series follows a family who goes to a remote island to spend their Christmas. But instead of having a fun-filled celebration, they get confronted by deadly creatures called ‘Elves’ that live in the place. ‘Elves’ did not get a positive reception from viewers and critics alike. It only scored a 5.6 ratings out of 10 on IMDB and 38% on Rotten Tomatoes. Nonetheless, some viewers still liked the show and are eager to know if it will return for season 2. Let us find out.
When Will ‘Elves’ Season 2 Release?
The show is not renewed for season 2 yet. Season 1 premiered on November 28, 2021, on Netflix, and fans are wondering if the series will be renewed or canceled. So far, Netflix has not said anything about its renewal status.
Although the rating wasn’t exceptional, there is still hope that the show will return since the streamer has not officially canceled it either. If it gets renewed, we could expect the second season to be released Christmas 2024.
What Is The Plot Of ‘Elves’ Season 2?
‘Elves’ Season 1 ended with Svade’s family plus Liv leaving the island. It looks like they are leaving the Elves behind forever. Will the Svade family go back to return Kee-Ko? Or will the Elves find a way out of the island and look for Kee-Ko? If the series gets renewed for season 2, we could also get more answers on Josephine and her Elf in Copenhagen.
Who Is Cast In ‘Elves’ Season 2?
In the first season, we saw the death of a few characters who might not be returning for the second season, if they will, maybe as ghosts.
All of the leading cast members will likely return, such as:
Sonja Steen as Josefine
Peder Thomas Pedersen as Mads
Vivelill Søgaard Holm as Liv
Milo Campanale as Kasper
Lila Nobel as Charlotte
Rasmus Hammerich as Moller
And with some of the cast members dying in the first season, we could expect the series to feature new casts.