
Jennifer Lawrence Says Filming With Leonardo DiCaprio And Timothée Chalamet Was 'Absolute Misery'

Jennifer Lawrence describes filming with Leonardo DiCaprio and Timothée Chalamet as "absolute misery," citing frustration and annoyance despite their star status.

Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence expressed that working alongside Leonardo DiCaprio and Timothée Chalamet was far from the glamorous experience one might expect. She described the filming process as "absolute misery," highlighting moments of annoyance and frustration. Despite the excitement surrounding their collaboration in Adam McKay's Netflix production "Don't Look Up" in 2021, Lawrence revealed that the dynamic on set was challenging.

In an interview on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Lawrence recounted a particularly trying day while filming a scene with DiCaprio and Chalamet. She reminisced about feeling driven to the brink of irritation, citing instances where both co-stars seemed to exacerbate her frustration.

"They drove me crazy that day. I don't know what it was," she told Colbert.

"Timothée was just excited to be out of the house, I think it was his first scene.

"And Leo had picked the song that was playing in the car and was just like, 'You know, this song is about blah, blah, blah.'"

Lawrence did go on to assure that both of the stars are 'very nice’ but added: "I don't know. I just remember being in absolute misery that day."

Lawrence had expressed her dissatisfaction with the pay discrepancy between herself and DiCaprio for the project earlier. Despite their friendly demeanor, she stressed that the experience was challenging. She conveyed her discomfort and displeasure, describing the day as one of personal agony.

However, Lawrence's challenges weren't confined to interactions with DiCaprio and Chalamet. She also disclosed difficulties working with Jonah Hill, albeit for different reasons. While Hill's comedic prowess was evident, Lawrence described instances where his improvisational style led to numerous retakes, making the filming process arduous. Despite the challenges, Lawrence acknowledged Hill's talent, highlighting his ability to elevate scenes through his comedic timing.

Despite the trials faced on set, Lawrence admitted to feeling starstruck among the ensemble cast, which included notable figures like Mark Rylance, Ariana Grande, Cate Blanchett, and Chris Evans. She humorously recounted feeling out of place in their midst, joking about her own perceived inadequacies compared to her esteemed co-stars.